Organic Radiance Skincare is participating in the Million Tree Challenge!
Plant a tree with every product you purchase from Organic Radiance Skincare. Help us get a million trees planted with One Tree Planted!
What Will You Choose?
We like to do business with companies who are eco-friendly and socially responsible. Each time we buy something it’s a chance to do business with a company that shares our values or a company that whose executives take home huge bonuses.
Let’s become a culture that chooses truly eco-friendly and socially responsible companies.
Organic Radiance Skincare (ORS) is an organic skin care company based in Huntington Beach, California that chooses to live these values. They have partnered with One Tree Planted to help plant one million trees in 2017!
Who is One Tree Planted?
One Tree Planted is a non-profit organization that is determined to make tree planting accessible for anyone and everyone.
In 2014, One Tree Planted was created through the realization that reforestation was something that almost everyone cared about, but few felt that they could personally get involved with.
Through our partnership with One Tree Planted, we’re helping you get involved.
One Tree Planted founder Matt Hill leads reforestation throughout the world. His non-profit in Shelburne, Vermont is poised to make a huge impact on reforestation one tree at a time.
Why Do We Need to Plant Trees?
We’re cutting trees down faster than we’re planting them. 70% of the world’s plants and animals live in forests and are losing their habitats to deforestation. Loss of habitat leads to species extinction.
“The benefits of trees are immeasurable, whether it be biodiversity protection, clean water, climate change or simply making a better world for the next generation.” says founder Matt Hill.
Trees heal.
Deforestation is not only a biodiversity tragedy, it also has negative consequences for medicinal research. Currently there are over 121 natural remedies from the rainforest that are used as medicines. [1]
Studies also show that patients with views of trees out their windows heal faster and with less complications.
For those who work in an office, exposure to nature and trees aids concentration by reducing mental fatigue. [2]
Trees clean the air.
Trees absorb odors and pollutant gasses (nitrogen oxides, ammonia, sulfur dioxide and ozone) and filter particulates out of the air by trapping them on leaves and bark.
Trees combat climate change.
Excess carbon dioxide (CO2) caused by many factors is a building up in our atmosphere and contributing to climate change. Trees absorb CO2, removing and storing the carbon while releasing the oxygen back into the air.
Trees provide food and paper.
An apple tree can yield up to 15-20 bushels of fruit per year and can be planted on the tiniest urban lot. Aside from fruit for humans, trees provide food for birds and wildlife. Planting trees means more wood and paper products which can be easily recycled.
Plant a Tree with Your Organic Radiance Skincare Purchase
Organic Radiance Skincare joined forces with One Tree Planted in July of 2016. One Tree Planted works with reforestation partners across the globe. They work with partners in both north and south America, Asia and Africa.
The cool part is that we get to choose where our donations go to. Right now ORS is helping with reforestation in North America.
You can make a donation directly to One Tree Planted at
Or you can donate through your ORS purchases. ORS plants one tree for every product purchase you make. We share One Tree Planted’s core value of “Sustainability made simple.”
We like One Tree Planted’s transparency when it comes to what donations are used for. They list an average breakdown of costs to plant one tree on their website.
Costs to Plant a Tree
$.50 -.85 for one tree sapling to be grown at a nursery
$.20 – $.30 per tree to be planted
$.08 – $.20 per tree average with transport costs, material costs
$.10 – $.22 ongoing maintenance of trees
$.12 – $.15 operating costs
$.03 – $.05 credit card processing fees, transaction costs
One Tree Planted brings the resources together to make it possible to plant a tree with just one dollar. We love that this brings a voice to all the individuals who value eco-friendly and socially responsible choices.
This is our opportunity to make a positive impact on our world through our purchase choices. Organic Radiance Skincare is making sustainability simple.
Organic Radiance Skincare cares about sustainability and the biodiversity of our planet. Together, we can make our world a better place one tree at a time and feel great while we’re doing it.
Choose Organic Radiance Skincare for healthy skin that makes you feel great. Choose Organic Radiance Skincare because you feel great knowing that you’re planting trees.
[1] One Tree Planted
[2] Tree People