As the days start to get shorter and the air cooler, we’re prepping our skin care routine for the fall weather. We love the sweater weather, spiced drinks, and fall foliage of this time of year.
In this Q&A, we discuss transitioning from summer to fall skincare, as well as how to prevent acne flare-ups bought on by wearing a mask.
Q: Why do I need to change my summer skincare routine for fall?
A: The heat of summer causes your skin to sweat and produce more sebum, which is the source of your skin’s natural oils. Based on the area you live in, fall can bring colder air and a drop in humidity. Each of these elements can lead to dry, flaky skin, which is why we use different types of products for the daytime during each season.
Q: How can I transition my summer skincare for the fall?

A: Instead of using a lightweight serum or moisturizer in the morning, swap it out for a richer moisturizer. Fall brings cold air and we naturally start using our heaters, which can contribute to flakey, itchy skin. Switching to a thicker moisturizer for fall can help prevent this. Remember that a heavier cream isn’t a bad thing… your skin needs the protection of a moisture barrier to counteract the drier weather. For nighttime, we use a rich moisturizer year-round to help our skin renew itself during sleep.
Q: What should I avoid that can damage my skin during the fall season?

A: While exfoliating is generally good for the skin, over-doing it can be harmful during the colder season. Exfoliating too often can strip the skin, damaging its protective barrier, and causing redness and increased sensitivity. Exfoliate twice a week with a cream-based formula during the fall, and follow with a rich moisturizer to replenish the skin.
Q: Why am I having breakouts around my chin and cheeks?

A: Acne flare ups around the chin may be linked to the hormonal fluctuations of a women’s menstrual cycle. Acne flare-ups around the cheeks can be caused by touching your face with un-washed hands. Right now many people are experiencing more breakouts around their chin and lower cheeks, due to a phenomenon called “maskne.” This is an acne flare-up from wearing a face mask due to COVID-19. Breakouts occur around the area where your face mask sits, possibly due to increased heat and humidity inside the mask from your breath.
Q: What can I do to reduce or prevent acne caused by face masks?

A: It’s best to use a new mask each day. If you are using disposable masks, don’t reuse the same one for more than a day. If you’ve perspired a lot under your mask, wash your face, and switch to a new mask. When you’re done with the mask, make sure to cut the ear loops before tossing it to prevent wildlife from getting tangled or trapped in it. If using a reusable mask, wash it at the end of each day, and let it air dry overnight.
Don’t forget to wash your face morning and night, preferably using an activated charcoal face wash. Apply moisturizer while your skin is still damp to support your skin’s natural moisture barrier and prevent dryness. Dryness can trigger overproduction of sebum from your pores and lead to more breakouts!
Q: What can I do to reduce redness and irritation of my acne due to wearing a mask?
Synthetic fabrics, such as polyester, nylon, and rayon, can irritate sensitive facial skin when used as the layer of a face mask that touches the skin. Keep in mind that lightweight face coverings like gators aren’t effective at filtering viruses. Choose a mask with a combination of fabrics that is effective at filtering out particles and won’t irritate your skin. Try not wearing any products under your mask to see if this helps. Wash your face right after removing your mask. Use a soothing moisturizer at night that has essential oils with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
Q: Can I still wear makeup under my mask?

A: Wearing face makeup and lip products can cause more breakouts and feel heavy. If you plan on wearing makeup under your mask, avoid using products that can clog pores (comedogenic). Try to avoid pore-filling primers, heavier foundations, and powders. Look for non-comedogenic products to prevent pores from clogging and developing more breakouts. After cleansing, use a toner to remove any residual makeup that you may have missed.
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